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American innovative technology is back from the future. This is how we developed the technology, from the mother nature, "FIREFLY" and "EARLY INNOVATION" of the industrial revolution's technology and the world has never been more forgive than ever before since 1900.

Dr. Vichai Phosiri
President & CEO (Founder)

Three decades later, since 1987,  Dr. V. Phosiri taking charge of the energy crisis status quo of personal Transportation Powered Engines, an American Innovation, Invention, Creation and Imagination to Re-Evolution of our way of thinking and perception of the environment and developing an Evolution a Zero-Emission Vehicle Transportation. In the past 30 years, he saw the raising costs of the automobile, price at the pump stations across the country, environment consequences, and electric vehicles were produced at the costs an average the consumers cannot afford.

Dr. V. Phosiri is believed the consumers are hurt the most, and most people are struggling to paid for foods, rents, and children's education. He saw the problems and solutions are dated back since 1832, a Scottish inventor Robert Anderson invents the first crude electric carriage powered by non-rechargeable primary cells. An electric vehicle was not new to the industry. Since 1900, "The electric automobile is in its heyday. Of the 4,192 cars produced in the United States 28 percent are powered by electricity, and electric autos represent about one-third of all cars found on the roads of New York City, Boston, and Chicago."
Environmental Solutions & Innovations
The Self Powered Generator Electric Vehicle Technology, is part of the solutions to our air pollution, atmosphere, city, and rainforest.The attribution of newest invention and innovation of the technology will allow happening as solutions to our international, regional, national, local and district level. Reducing the dependency from the fossil fuels and others alternative resources.Fossil fuels include coal, natural gas and oil. The current statistics show that globally, fossil fuels provide for over 85% of all the energy we consume.

Fossil fuels are not a renewable resource even though we have not located all of the reserves there are in the world. They take millions of years to produce. It is estimated that given
our current trend in consumption, and the predictive discovery of new sources of fossil fuels, that the world will run out of them within 100 to 200 years. Car exhaust is toxic at ground level Exhaust from all combustion engines combine to produce local adverse effects on the health of car users and all innocent bystanders. Cities have become islands of toxic chemicals from the unrestrained use of vehicles burning fossil fuels. Cars are noisy, ugly, often dangerous and dominate the experience of modern living. We are now used to the carnage on roads and highways- attempts to reduce death and disability from our motorized containers have not substantially altered the negative impact on society. The adverse health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure.Therefore, LGN Group, this essential collaboration of the research technologies development, will rapidly advance the creative design and unprecedented invention of an innovative "Self -Powered Generator" as a Free Energy Electric Vehicle without recharging as a replacement of the fossil fuel energy such as oil.

Our breakthrough technology would resolved the global crisis on the automobile powered transportation.EV driver also saves money every time she or he "refuels" - compared to what they'd spend refueling a gasoline-powered vehicle. Also, EVs produce no tailpipe emissions. While charging the battery may increase pollution at the power plant, total emissions associated with driving EVs are still typically less than those for gasoline cars-particularly if the electricity is generated from renewable energy sources like Kinetic Motion Energy. Bottom Line, driving an EV is Better for the Environment than Driving a Gasoline-Powered Car.Our PurposeLGN Group goal to develop a strategy to research and consolidate critical information and to launch the METTA Project (a sincere heart towards the mother-earth and environment), to introduce the Self-Powered Generator Electric Vehicle to the automotive market and proliferate its presence on the road, without building and investing in unnecessary charging infrastructure devices around the country which incur property and construction expenses. After completing the EV prototype assembly, the model will be auction out to the automobile companies or special interest groups and return the investment back to the investors.

We are a leading global automotive supplier with design, manufacture & distribution delivery contract and investment capabilities. We have multiple manufacturing and design centers around the globe to deliver values to our customers through global operations and our commitment to innovation.The working population is increasing in the world. It's assumption that the electric automobile sector is booming with increasing consumer demand for the No-Recharging-Self-Power Electric Vehicle. Hence our motto is to convert consumer's desire into demand by offering Electric Vehicles of various styles and classes at reasonable prices. Lower maintenance and guarantee up to five years, replacement parts and supplies are easily access to the auto suppliers.

PURPOSE OF THE PROTOTYPE MODEL AUCTION The importance of the invitation of the interest groups are to promote our EV Latest Innovative Technology and opportunity to the potential buyer of the LGN Technology for their automobile industry to gain the competitive market share on the EV. The listing of the potential interest group as follow:The cost of the latest innovative technology from LGN Group is priceless versus the investment of these companies already invested to solve the global crisis on the climate change and investing in the EV technology to power without gasoline and with charging stations across the countries. These automobile industries had invested billions of US dollars. There is no automobile in the world can resolve the energy crisis to power their vehicle than our company LGN Group. Therefore, the planning to auction our latest to these companies are open-up the special interest groups, billionaire and especially to the automobile industry.EVMAX i7 DesignerResearch Development Technology for more than 20 years, developing the latest and innovative technology utilized to power the car of the future without the need to recharge. The value of the know-how-technology. The investment should not focus on the cost of the invention as part of the investment scope, but rather than on the prototype model assembly. The overall cost of the assembly of the prototype cost $600,000 to complete the EV Prototype Model for business registration, licensing, patent, business operation, and assembly, to be ready for publicity, advertising and auctioning to the interest groups.Parts and Accessories of O.E.M.Our EV parts and components are made from O.E.M. suppliers and manufacturer around the world, who are contracted with our company to produced and delivered the supplies to us. The main EV components are designed for specifically for the LGNi Corporation and assembled by our LGN company.

Could These EV Stocks Be Better Than Their Fossil-Fuel Predecessors?
An ever-growing awareness for green alternatives has caused electric vehicle (EV) stocks to trend among investors. Like all other futuristic industries, such trends have caused investors to hunt for the best EV stocks in the stock market. Compounded with dwindling crude oil reserves and surging oil prices, EVs have the perfect opportunity to become superior alternatives to their fossil-fuel counterparts.
The potential of the EV market has also seen traditional carmakers jumping on the bandwagon.
Much like with many other industries, the global chip shortage has caused several EV stocks to lose momentum. Coupled with investors’ frantic redirection towards buying pandemic recovery stocks, this presents a rare opportunity. After all, this could be a chance for investors to buy EV stocks on the dip. With that in mind, could these be 4 of the best EV stocks to watch?

5,000,000 shares are available.

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